We select topics for research which concern any type of harassment and also bullying. Our research ultimately focuses on workplace effects and is concerned with adults.We are willing to use a variety of methods - case studies, questionnaires and interviews, for example. We expect all our research to be of international standard and publishable. However we are willing to undertake confidential research which may not be published.
The threshold of international excellence means that we normally involve academics in our research and use relevant ethics processes to ensure scrutiny is undertaken because we are sometimes dealing with vulnerable persons.
How safe is your brain at work?
Using Neuroscience to Understand the Bullied Brain
We have now published a white paper in collaboration with the Applied Neuroscience Association with extensive research and expert insights from workplace bullying, legal, employment, healthcare and neuroscience professionals. This will highlight the real physical damage to your brain and body that may be caused by workplace bullying.
What you will find in the paper:
Understand the neuroscience behind the bullied brain.
Learn about the long-term effects and potential disabilities.
Discover crucial prevention strategies to protect yourself and your workplace.
Explore how recognition of brain injury could support the law in relation to workplace bullying.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge.
Download the report below to receive your copy of Using Neuroscience to Understand the Bullied Brain and Affect Change
Publication date: November 2023

Research Papers
Moving On from Workplace Bullying
Moving On from Workplace Bullying: A Group Coaching Approach was presented at the International association on Workplace Bullying & Harassment 2022 Conference in San Diego
Download the Poster PDF by clicking on the image.
Advisory Bodies: Research Papers
Seeking better solutions: tackling bullying and ill-treatment in Britain’s workplaces: ACAS Policy Discussion Paper November 2015 Justine Evesson and Sarah Oxenbridge (Employment Research Australia), David Taylor (Acas)
CIPD Report - Managing conflict in the modern workplace January 2020
The latest research on conflict management examines the current state of working relationships in UK organisations. The report draws on the views and experiences of employers and employees, gathered from surveys and focus groups conducted by YouGov. The findings draw attention to the critical issue of bullying and harassment in UK workplaces, and the devastating impact unfair treatment can have on individuals and organisations.
CIPD Report - Bullying and incivility at work: an evidence review
March 2022
Interpersonal conflict and uncivil behaviour, such as bullying and harassment, are remarkably common in the workplace. Sometimes they lead to legal action (the UK as a whole sees over 100,000 employment tribunals a year1 ), but there is a far wider pool of workers who experience some sort of ‘trouble at work’...
The persistence of such serious incidents highlights that what the research terms ‘workplace incivility’ is a major HR issue.
ACAS: Estimating the costs of Workplace Conflict
Analysis mapping the incidence of conflict across UK workplaces, showing the impact on individuals and their employers, and estimating the overall cost to UK organisations.
This report was prepared for Acas by Professor Richard Saundry, University of Sheffield Management School and Professor Peter Urwin, the Centre for Employment Research, University of Westminster.
The views in this analysis are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect those of Acas or the Acas Council. Any errors or inaccuracies are the responsibility of the authors alone. This paper is not intended as guidance from Acas about how to manage disputes in the workplace.
How do we build community cohesion when Hate Crime is on the increase? This 2019 report was commissioned by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Hate Crime in recognition that Hate Crime is one of the least reported categories of crime, but one that can do the most harm to our communities and societies.
Safe and healthy working environments free from violence and harassment The ILO report which examines prevention through OSH frameworks. Workplace violence and harassment is a significant and ongoing threat to worker health and safety, as well as to organizational productivity and reputation. In June 2019, at the Centenary Conference of the ILO, the Violence and Harassment Convention (No. 190) and its accompanying Recommendation (No. 206) were adopted, calling for the prohibition and prevention of violence and harassment in the world of work.
Preventing sexual harassment at work: a guide for employers
Equality and Human Rights Commission January 2020
Under equality law, employers must take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of workers by their colleagues. If they don’t, they will be legally responsible for such harassment.
Sexual harassment and harassment at work: technical guidance
Equality and Human Rights Commission July 2020
All employers have a duty of care to protect their workers and will be legally liable for harassment in the workplace if they have not taken reasonable steps to prevent it. The guidance offers a legal explanation and practical examples of how to tackle and respond effectively to harassment
Independent Research
Workplace Bullying Grievance Research by DignityWorks. An analysis of actual grievance data from 81 local government organisations for a period of 6 years totalling over 300,000 employees
Health & Safety Laboratory Bullying at work: a review of the literature 2006. Research indicates that bullied employees report significantly more symptoms of psychological stress and mental fatigue than non-bullied employees. Bullying seems to have a number of negative individual consequences in the form of stress and poor mental health.
Research by Sector
Following revelations over recent years about exploitation and abusive organisational cultures within the charity sector, there has been a rise in public and political concern about the possibility of misconduct taking place within charities, including bullying behaviour. This report shines a light on the experiences of people who have been bullied in a charity workplace. It highlights the emotional harm it causes, making six recommendations to create safer systems, processes and cultures.
In Plain Sight: Workplace bullying in charities and the implications for leadership June 2019
The first report was commissioned in 2018 to investigate bullying and harassment of House of Commons staff. The Cox Report led to the commissioning of 2 further independent inquiries into Parliamentary staff, and the House of Lords. The findings led to the 3 key recommendations of the Cox Report being implemented, including the establishment of an independent panel for bullying and harassment complaints.
Bullying and Harassment of MPs’ Parliamentary Staff Independent Inquiry Report by Gemma White QC, published 11 July 2019
ILO Convention 190 Violence and Harassment in the Workplace
he objective of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No 190) (the “Convention”) is to eliminate Violence and Harassment in the world of work.
Explanatory Memorandum on International Labour Organisation (ILO) Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No 190)
ILO Experience of violence and harassment at work - A Global First Survey 2023
2020 Special Report: Cyberbullying in the Age of COVID-19 The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has thrown the world into a new and unprecedented era of uncertainty, financial instability and chaos. Professionally, many of us have had to transition to a completely new virtual workplace. Students are struggling to complete their studies from home, a true challenge in any era.
The Wireless Report 2014 by Ditch the Label one of the UK’s most comprehensive reports into the ways in which young people aged 13-25 are currently engaging with and abusing smartphone technology. This report uncovers new facts and figures surrounding the rates of young people engaging in sexting and the distribution of naked imagery, along with abuse received and reported on some of the most popular smartphone exclusive social network apps. Taken from a sample of over 1,000 young people from across the United Kingdom.
Adult Online Hate, Harassment and Abuse: A Rapid Evidence Assessment June 2019. Published by University of East London, London School of Economics and the UK Council for Internet Safety
Don’t Feed the Trolls: How to Deal with Hate on Social Media by the Center for Countering Digital Hate 2019
Online Harms
Online Harms White Paper April 2019. The government wants the UK to be the safest place in the world to go online, and the best place to start and grow a digital business.
Response to the initial consultation on the Online Harms White Paper, published February 2020. Two thirds of adults in the UK are concerned about content online, and close to half say that they have seen hateful content in the past year. Online abuse can have a severe impact on people’s lives and is often targeted at the most vulnerable in our society. Cyberbullying has been shown to have psychological and emotional impact.
Online Harms White Paper: Full Government Response to the consultation December 2020
The Online Harms White Paper set out the government’s ambition to make the UK the safest place in the world to go online, and the best place to grow and start a digital business.
Online Safety Act: Explainer
The Online Safety Act 2023 (the Act) is a new set of laws that protects children and adults online. It puts a range of new duties on social media companies and search services, making them more responsible for their users’ safety on their platforms.